The Japanese Studies Program of the Ateneo de Manila University
invites everyone to participate in
5th [Digital] Philippine Kana Art Competition 2021
I. Categories:
A. Junior Division: ONLY ONE OF THE Hiragana
CHARACTERS な、に、ぬ、ね、OR の*
CHARACTERS な、に、ぬ、ね、OR の*
B. Open Division: ONLY ONE OF THE Katakana
CHARACTERS ナ、二、ヌ、ネ、OR ノ*
CHARACTERS ナ、二、ヌ、ネ、OR ノ*
* this includes characters
にゃ、にゅ、にょ and ニャ、ニュ、ニョ
にゃ、にゅ、にょ and ニャ、ニュ、ニョ
II. Who may join?
A. Junior Division: Elementary to High School Students
B. Open Division: College/University Students and Professionals
III. Mechanics
1. Draw and make your own original “word associated kana character”
in an A4-size paper
in an A4-size paper
2. One character = one entry
3. Write a simple sentence on how to remember the chosen character
via word association. This can be typewritten and saved as a separate
word file with the following information:
via word association. This can be typewritten and saved as a separate
word file with the following information:
Full name:
School / Affiliation:
Contact Information (Cellphone number and email):
Division Entry:
Please include
Full name of Guardian
Contact Information of Guardian (Cellphone number and email):
4. The associated word must be in Japanese.
5. Any medium for the entry is welcome
(i.e. digital art, watercolor, pencil drawing, mix-media, etc.)
(i.e. digital art, watercolor, pencil drawing, mix-media, etc.)
6. Digital art, scanned or photographed entries must be
AT LEAST 100 dpi to ensure that the entry is clear for judging.
AT LEAST 100 dpi to ensure that the entry is clear for judging.
7. Nothing should be written on the artwork.
8. All artworks must be emailed to the Japanese Studies
Program by 7 March 2021
Program by 7 March 2021
Email the entries to:
Subject: Kanakon (Junior / Open Division) 2021
Full name:
School / Affiliation:
Contact Information: (Cellphone number and email)
Division Entry:
Please include
Full name of Guardian
Contact Information of Guardian (Cellphone number and email):
Filename format: (Lastname-Art.jpeg/tiff/etc)
EXAMPLE: delacruz-art.jpeg
EXAMPLE: delacruz-art.jpeg
: (Lastname-Text.doc/etc)
EXAMPLE: delacruz-text.doc
EXAMPLE: delacruz-text.doc
9. The Japanese Studies Program reserves the right to use
and exhibit submitted entries for non-profit purposes.
and exhibit submitted entries for non-profit purposes.
IV. Dates to Remember
a) Last day of submission: March 7, 2021
b) Date of Announcement of Winners: April 15, 2021
V. Criteria for Judging Criteria
1. Interpretation and the clarity of the theme to the viewer
(letter and motif) 30%
(letter and motif) 30%
2. Creativity and originality of the depicted theme. 30%
3. Quality of artistic composition and overall design based
on the theme. 30%
on the theme. 30%
4. Overall impression of the art (the artwork stand on its own
as a complete and outstanding work of art) 10%
Some reasons for not being selected;
as a complete and outstanding work of art) 10%
Some reasons for not being selected;
1. Poor color or image quality. the colors are not balanced,
are washed out and are not representative of the original
colors of the art. These images will be passed over quickly
as they will not show well on the site.
are washed out and are not representative of the original
colors of the art. These images will be passed over quickly
as they will not show well on the site.
2. Sloppiness. Works that are framed, are crooked, show
backgrounds, watermarks or large and oversized artist
backgrounds, watermarks or large and oversized artist
3. Incomplete or poorly written submission materials.
Submission with forms (written explanation on the letter art)
that are incomplete, poorly written or need to be updated
or summarized.
Submission with forms (written explanation on the letter art)
that are incomplete, poorly written or need to be updated
or summarized.
VI. Awarding of Prizes
A: Junior Division
1st Place Winner – 5000 pesos, Prize pack
2nd Place Winner – 3000 pesos, Prize pack
3rd Place Winner – 2000 pesos, Prize pack
B: Open Division
1st Place Winner – 10000 pesos, Prize pack
2nd Place Winner – 7500 pesos, Prize pack
3rd Place Winner – 5000 pesos, Prize pack
VII: Inquiries
Please email
with the subject line: Kanakom
with the subject line: Kanakom
VIII: Sample

Japanese say itadakimasu (いただきます)before they eat!

Ongaku (音楽)means music